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Candice W., Personal Branding Photographer
„KonMari with Kristin has been such a wonderful experience! I was familiar with the method and had started implementing it at home but got to a stage where I felt overwhelmed. COVID lockdown had just started but I was desperate to get started and so we decided to try online. We were both surprised at how well it worked!
Kristin was calm but firm. She was aware of what our goals and needs were and managed to apply that to the task ahead. She even managed to get my teenager and husband to work with her which is quite amazing! We are really enjoying not looking for things in our piles of paperwork anymore!
We managed times of 2-3 hours at a time which worked well for us. I found this to be very productive as it was short but intense. Kristin was supportive when I was overwhelmed and guided me through when necessary. I was surprised at how fast I could come to a decision with a bit of guidance from Kristin.
The cherry on the top was the storage solutions Kristin gave for specific areas of the house where we were struggling to find a solution.
We really enjoyed our experience with Kristin and can definitely recommend her services. We will continue to use her services on our journey if we find it necessary. A personal trainer is worth every cent especially Kristin!“